See A Victory

My friend Annie recently celebrated a birthday. Annie has always been such a kind and loving friend to me. She is always there to lend an ear, to give honest feedback and to be a source of encouragement. I feel so thankful and blessed to know her and call her my friend.

Annie loves plants and flowers, so for her special day I created a birthday card using a new stamp set called Floral Essence.

Floral Essence Card

The colors that I chose for this card were inspired by the wrapping paper I bought to wrap her birthday gift in. You can see the gift in the photo below, behind the card.

Floral Essence Card

Although the flowers are different, I thought this set coordinated well with the wrapping paper. I just love this color combination!

The sentiment in this set says, “All day are beautiful that begin with you”. This is a beautiful sentiment that reminds the person you are giving the card to how valuable they are to you. By saying this, you are communicating that time spent with them is time that truly makes a difference in how your day will be.

In the season of life I am in right now, I know that it is important for me to begin each day spending quiet time with God. As I read my Bible, I find wisdom, strength, encouragement, direction and peace. Those are things that I’ve really needed in this season as I still am facing an undiagnosed health issue.

Many of you have inquired as to how I am feeling? To be honest, over the past couple of days I’ve been up and down. My faith, trust and confidence in God is strong and I am working hard to keep it that way! However, when any of my symptoms begin to flare up (and over the past two days, this has happened) I sometimes respond with frustration and discouragement. To be honest in a weak moment I sometimes say, “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired! Responding like this is definitely my down!!! What can I say, I am a work in progress! It has been a challenging road but I am confident I will learn and grow stronger during this season!

That is why starting my day reading God’s word and meditating on his promises is so important. It truly does make a difference and it reminds me that I don’t have to fear because the battle isn’t mine, it belongs to the Lord. Here is a verse I memorized this week.

The Lord will fight for you, you just need to be still. Exodus 14:14

I don’t know about you but being still has not been something that comes easy to someone like me. I am used to always being on the go. These past few years my life has changed a lot in this area as I’ve learned the importance and value of rest.

My friend Annie is someone who over the years has often lovingly reminded me of the importance of rest. She is a very wise woman. After going through some challenging circumstances, I get it. It is SO important to slow down and take time to rest.

As I end today’s post I want to encourage any of you who are facing a battle in your life right now. It’s normal to react with fear or frustration but don’t allow yourself to stay in that mindset. Remember that you are not alone! As you begin each new day take time to pray and talk to God about your circumstance. Read His word and allow His spirit to give you peace.

This new song by Elevation Worship has really encouraged me this week. I have been listening to it over and over and it has really helped me! The song is called SEE A VICTORY , you can click on the name to listen to it. I pray that if you are facing a battle in your life right now that as you listen to it, you will feel encouraged and can along with me begin to walk in victory and not in defeat because the battle isn’t ours, it belongs to the Lord.


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